Enforcement of court judgments in family matters involving cross border element - Lithuanian approach
Latvian Academy of Sciences |
Date Issued |
2011 |
Vis intensyviau plėtojantis tarptautiniam ekonominiam, teisiniam, politiniam bei socialiniam bendradarbiavimui ir integracijai, tuo pačiu daugėjant ir teisinių santykių, kuriems būdingas vadinamasis užsienio elementas, ypatingai svarbūs tampa užsienio teismų sprendimų pripažinimo bei vykdymo klausimai. Neišvengiamai didėja teisinių ginčų, kuriuos išsprendus vienoje valstybėje priimtą teismo sprendimą tenka vykdyti kitoje valstybėje, todėl ypač svarbu sukurti efektyvų užsienio teismų sprendimų pripažinimo ir vykdymo mechanizmą, kuris, be kita ko, yra būtina žmogaus teisių apsaugos sąlyga. [...]
In the present times of overall globalisation and integration, emigration and re-immigration, marriages between citizens of different states and persons of different nationalities are no longer surprising. Lithuanian citizens resident in other Member States of the European Union (EU) have children and register their birth abroad; subsequently, the fact of their birth is included in the records in Lithuania. This international societal integration also leads to an increase of legal relationships and legal disputes with the so-called cross-border element, i.e. when legal relationships or legal disputes become linked in one or another way with the legal systems of two or more rather than one state. Legal relationships of this kind pose many different questions, e.g., to the court of which state to apply in each specific case; whether it will be possible to enforce a judgment of the court of one state abroad; the law of which state should be applied to the relationships of the parties in a specific case, etc. Some of these issues are analysed further in this article.