Procedūrinis teisingumas ir žmonių pasitikėjimas teisėsaugos pareigūnais bei institucijomis: monografija
Author(s) | |
Vilniaus universitetas | |
Vanagaitė, Kristina | Vilniaus universitetas |
Čunichina, Ksenija | Vilniaus universitetas |
Vilniaus universiteto leidykla |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Monografijoje analizuojami pastaruoju metu įvairiose šalyse atlikti procedūrinio teisingumo tyrimai, žmonių pasitikėjimas teisėsaugos pareigūnais ir institucijomis. Nagrinėjama, kaip mūsų šalies nuteistieji, nusikaltimo aukos, vairuotojai, studentai ir kiti tiriamieji vertina teisėjų ir policijos pareigūnų elgesį, teisėsaugos institucijas ir įstatymus. Atskleidžiamas teisėsaugos pareigūnų elgesio ir procedūrinio teisingumo reikalavimų atitikimas, pareigūnų elgesio pokyčiai (lyginami 2004 ir 2011 metų tyrimo rezultatai), pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kaip reikėtų didinti teisėsaugos pareigūnų elgesio atitiktį procedūrinio teisingumo reikalavimams. Monografija skiriama psichologams, teisininkams, kriminologams, sociologams, socialiniams darbuotojams.
The monograph focuses upon the problems of procedurai justice, trust in legal officers and institutions. It reviews the results of the procedurai justice studies conducted in different countries during the latter decades, evaluation of police officers' and judges' behaviour as well as trust in them, psychological conseauences of the involvement in the legal system, the congruence between criminal, civil, and administrative proceedings and the reauirements of procedurai justice. The methods used in the study were: 1) the previously developed methodology of legal proceedings' observation, which was aimed at the evaluation of judges' behaviour in different critical situations where they could act according or disaccording to the reauirements of procedurai justice (57 criminal proceedings were observed); 2) the interview method for convicted persons, based on the previously developed research procedure (73 convicted males were interviewed); 3) the newly developed interview method for crime victims (70 crime victims were interviewed); 4) the newly developed auestionnaire "Drivers' attitudes toward police authorities" (481 drivers participated in the study, of them 120 in the pilot study and 361 in the main study); 5) the newly developed auestionnaire "People's attitude towards law, legal institutions, and officers" (688 participants took part in the study, of them 272 in the pilot study and 416 in the main study). [...]