Darnios plėtros socialinė dimensija ir globalus švietimas
Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Darni plėtra, nuolat esanti ir akcentuojama politinėje dienotvarkėje, vis dar stokoja Lietuvos mokslininkų dėmesio. Straipsnio tikslas – išryškinti socialinio kapitalo dimensiją darnios plėtros kontekste, pristatant globalų švietimą kaip socialinio kapitalo didinimo, o tai reiškia, ir darnios plėtros įgyvendinimo, priemonę. Remiantis teorinių šaltinių analize aptariamos tokios temos kaip darnios plėtros samprata, darnios plėtros dimensijos, darnios plėtros strategijų ir globalaus švietimo sąsajos.
Sustainable development is an integral concept and a complex process, which aim is to ensure well-being and prosperity for nowadays and future generations. According to WCED, sustainable development is development that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development is permanently on political agenda, however, lacks attention of Lithuanian scientist. Moreover, if the concept is discussed, the emphasis is put on ecological or economic perspective, ignoring the social one. Therefore, the aim of the article is to highlight social capital in the context of sustainable development and to discuss the role of global education in the strengthening of social capital, e.g. ensuring implementation of sustainable development. Based on review of scientific resources, the article discusses ecological, economic and social capital, their complementarity and interdependence. Three strategies for sustainable development: the efficiency, the sufficiency and the redistribution, are presented in the connection with global education issues.