Ekonomikos vidinės pusiausvyros tendencijos naujose Europos Sąjungos šalyse narėse
Author(s) | |
Misiūnas, Petras Algimantas | Vilniaus universitetas |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2004 |
Straipsnyje, naudojantis teorine Svono diagrama, apžvelgiamos tik ką tapusių naujomis Europos Sąjungos narių valstybių ekonomikos vidinės pusiausvyros sąlygos. Ekonomikos vidinės pusiausvyros parametrai - infliacija ir nedarbo lygis - siejami teoriškai su svarbiausiu išorinės pusiausvyros parametru - mokėjimų balanso einamosios sąskaitos deficitu. Aiškinamos infliacijos ir nedarbo lygio tendencijos naujose ES Šalyse narėse.
Statement that one of the most important objectives of every national economy is internal equilibrium is emphasized in theory of macroeconomics and consolidated in Lithuanian economy development strategy for the period by 2015. To analyse this balance, Swan diagram known in theory of economies is applied. The article reviews conditions of internal equilibrium of economy in national economics of the new EU member states. Parameters of internal equilibrium of economy - low inflation and acceptably low level of unemployment - are theoretically linked with the most important parameter of external equilibrium - deficit of payments current account balance. It is shown that almost all new EU member state have no inflation problem and this problem is already solved in a group of 15 EU states. Conditionally higher level of inflation in Slovenia, Hungary and partly in Estonia was related to growth of salaries, i.e. factor of demand inflation operated in the economy. However, it is possible to state that inflation factor for the last years in old and new EU member states had not damaging influence upon internal equilibrium.