How to become law enforcement officer
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Straipsnyje pagrindžiama nuostata, kad, rengiant šiuolaikinius statutinius pareigūnus, nepakanka vien tik profesinio mokymo, formuojančio specialiuosius įgūdžius, o būtina pareigūnams suteikti galimybę įgyti aukštąjį išsilavinimą. Konstatuotina, kad racionalus profesinių įgūdžių formavimas universitete atsispindės būsimoje statutinių pareigūnų veikloje. Straipsnyje siekiama išryškinti universitetinio lavinimo svarbą rengiant statutinius pareigūnus Mykolo Romerio universiteto Viešojo saugumo fakultete.
Student’s selection and upbringing is one of the most important and relevant problems of nowadays. The selection of the statuary officers must be observing by pretenders’ health, personal and objective qualities. Morality, spirituality and culture have to be investigated as well. We want to draw attention to the search of objective and subjective factors, which influence students proceeding professional career. This study intends to provide a descriptive-analytical inventory of models and policies that Lithuania is using with regard to recruitment, selection and training of statutory officers. For statutory officer ranks, it is compulsory that the applicant has a diploma from a university or a diploma recognized by the Lithuanian state in case they have graduated from a university outside Lithuania. While the idea of university education for statutory officers was first proposed many years ago, there is still no consensus about what officer’s professionalism actually means. While the idea of university education for statutory officers is supported by both police and state border guard managers and academics, in principle, the body of knowledge in policing is still being developed.