Idea podatku od nieruchomości oraz jej wdrożenie na Litwie
Wyższa szkoła bankowa w Toruńiu |
Date Issued |
2006 |
This article analyses the idea of realty tax and it's implementation as well as the reasons for realty tax imposition in the Republic of Lithuania. This is a common tool used by the civilized states to finance states expenses. The realty tax is understood in a broad sense which should be applied to all tangible and intangible assets including: land, habitation, durable goods used in the household, commodities and raw stuff stocked in the company, also securities. However, so commonly used realty tax is a value tax. The basis of this tax is land and real estate value. The realty tax is mainly used to finance the expenses incurred by the municipality authorities and not by central state authorities. The evaluation of realty tax in accordance with main parameters, which are used to evaluate diverse taxes, is presented in this article, i.e.: the efficiency of the tax, the progressiveness of the tax, the simplicity of tax administration.