Bazinių savigynos veiksmų ir jų derinių atlikimo technikos sąsajos analizė
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2016 |
Nepriklausomai nuo to, ar studijų programa orientuota į policijos ar į valstybės sienos apsaugos pareigūnų rengimą, studijuodami ją, būsimieji pareigūnai privalo sužinoti ir išmokti įvairių savigynos veiksmų bei tvarkos pažeidėjo ar užpuoliko sulaikymo ypatumų. Ženklią Kovinės savigynos dalyko turinio dalį užima bazinių veiksmų ir jų derinių technikos studijos. Bazinių kovinės savigynos veiksmų bei jų derinių atlikimo kokybę įtakoja daug ypatumų. Žinoma, kad ganėtinai svarbūs yra dalyko turinio parengimo, studijų proceso organizavimo, fizinių gebėjimų išugdymo aspektai. Straipsnyje analizuojama bazinių savigynos veiksmų technikos mokėjimų formavimo proceso įtaka sudėtingesnių derinių atlikimo kokybei. Aiškinamasi, kokie papildomi ypatumai gali įtakoti kovinės savigynos dalyko studijas - daryti reikšmingą poveikį studijuojančiųjų specifinių lokomocijų formavimui. Siekiama nustatyti priklausomybės, tarp paprastų bazinių ir kompleksinių veiksmų mokėjimų ir įgūdžio formavimo, tendencijas.
Future policemen and officers of state’s border security study the subject of self-defence. The noticeable part of content of Combat Self-defence subject consists of the studies of base self-defence moves and their combinations. There are a lot of factors which influence the quality of base self-defence moves and their combinations’ accomplishment. The aspects of preparation of subject’s content, organization of studies’ process and development of students’ physical abilities are quite significant. The article has analysed the influence of formation of ability to perform basic self-defence moves on the quality of advanced combination techniques. The aim of this article is to determine how the abilities of basic self-defence moves which are gained during Combat Self-defence studies influence the technique of combinations’ procedure. The article has analysed the aspects of formation of special wrestling skills of students (men (n=39) and women (n=36)) of Public Security Faculty of Mykolas Romeris University. Prospective officers studied particular moves and their combinations in the programme of Combat Self-defence subject for a certain amount of time (at least two semesters, 3-4 hours a week). The results of students’ studies were evaluated according to MRU assessment procedures. Students were able to work on their action technique and try to improve their grades repeatedly after the first evaluation for two weeks. The evaluation was comprised of three basic and four complex moves’ packets. The methods of literature analysis, empirical research and mathematical statistics have been used in the research. The values of arithmetic average of groups’ evaluation and standard square deviation have been calculated. The reliability of results has been estimated according to Student’s t criterion for independent samples, whereas their interconnection has been assessed by using the correlation method. It has been estimated during the research that the lowest marks were given for the technique of throws and detention (6,1±0,09) while the highest marks were assigned for the technique of disengagement (7,0±0,1) and offender’s disarmament (6,9±0,1). It has been ascertained that male students received higher grades than female ones in Combat Self-defence technique assessment. They performed the moves of self-defence (somersaults, falls), throws (backwards and forwards by holding legs) and detention significantly better (p<0,001). According to men's technique evaluation, their self-defence moves are related by average or strong correlation, i.e. the quality of men’s combat technique strongly depends on previously formed skills and abilities. There is statistically reliable average or strong dependence among all Combat Self-defence moves performed by female students except a self-preservation group. There is not statistically significant difference (p>0,05) among the results of actions of violators’ disarmament and throw over arm which were performed by men and women. The proficiency of basic self-defence moves makes a significant impact on the quality of combat technique of both men and women.