Besikeičiantis kalbos mokytojo vaidmuo kalbų klasėje
Date Issued |
2008 |
Straipsnyje analizuojami kalbos mokytojo vaidmens pasikeitimo auditorijoje ir už jos ribų aspektai, kurie yra pastebimi dėl žinių sąvokos supratimo, mokymosi aplinkos ir mokymosi būdų pasikeitimo. Šiuo tikslu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kuriame atskleidžiama, kaip formalaus ir neformalaus švietimo institucijų kalbų mokytojai vertina savo vaidmenį šiuolaikiniame mokymo/si procese. Atskleidžiama, kaip pasikeičia kalbos mokytojo vaidmuo, auditorijoje naudojant IKT, kokiais tikslais neformaliojo ir formaliojo švietimo institucijų pedagogai dažniausiai naudoja IKT.
The article aims to scrutinise changes of in and out of classroom roles performed by a language teacher, which are induced by changes in a teaching/learning environment, training methods and approach to the concept of knowledge. The article comprises a theoretical analysis carried out with the aim to compare traditional and modern teacher's roles and to distinguish possible differences in their performance. Also, an empirical study has been conducted to reveal how language teachers perceive their role in a modern teaching/learning process. Rapidly developing information technologies and the internet stretching out to reach more and more remote regions, apart from new opportunities for teachers, present a new challenge compelling teachers to change, to search for new teaching/learning methods and to reconsider their role in the classroom. The present study particularly focuses on the following issues: goals teachers use information technologies (ICT) for; roles teachers perform in the classroom; frequency and aims teachers use ICT for; and skills fostered by teachers via use of the internet in and out of classroom. The study involved foreign language teachers from formal and informal education institutions, working with different age groups. The results of the study revealed that ICT in formal and informal education institutions is used for similar purposes. Most often, ICT is used with the aim to diversify learning process, consolidate acquired knowledge and facilitate knowledge acquisition. Also, the teachers see their role differently depending on whether they use ICT in the teaching/learning process or not. The study also disclosed that in a modern teaching/learning process, teachers of formal education institutions perform different roles in the classroom compared to those of informal education institutions. The result implies an assumption that teacher's role in the classroom depends both, on available teaching aids and on student needs.