Вплив ТНК на розвиток економіки України в умовах глобалізації
Author(s) | |
Mykhailo, Sahaidak | KNEU named after Vadym Hetman |
Yatsenko, Оlha | KNEU named after Vadym Hetman |
Date Issued |
2019 |
The factors of multinational corporations’ influence on innovative development of national economy under globalization conditions are studied in the article. It was proved that globalization may appear not only as a development factor but also its restraint since market glocalization allows to create ground for stabilization and gradual growth as well as to outline perspectives of sustainable development of national economy. Such an approach may lead to forming of new networking economy aimed at global, not only economic but also political and socio-cultural integration, and will define perspectives of state management improvement when transiting to the next development level. The results of the conducted study let us assert that aggravation of competition at the world market, seeking cheap resources, production factors, and new product markets compel MNC to expand investment opportunities which affects further national economy development and accelerates movement of domestic enterprises when transiting to a new technological arrangement. It’s proved that increase of Ukraine’s economy investment opportunities by international corporations is linked to risks and threats, that’s why the necessity of using economic development scenarios which will presuppose their reduction mechanisms is grounded in the article. It’s proved that interconnection of global environments where a particular MNC occupies leading positions forms a basis for world globalization that influences major factors of countries development and thus forms economic, political, and social-cultural component of all areas of activity. Taking into consideration the above mentioned factors let us propose a scheme of forming synergy effect from MNC influence on Ukraine economy development which demonstrates advantages of partner cooperation for both national economy and MNC.