Psichologiniai spalvų naudojimo reklamoje aspektai
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2007 |
Yra žinoma, kad spalvos gali pakeisti objektų ir erdvės suvokimą, sukelti įvairias emocijas, atkreipti dėmesį ir kt. Tačiau praktinėje veikloje, pavyzdžiui, reklamos kūryboje, spalvos dažnai pasirenkamos remiantis tik intuicija ar estetiniais sumetimais. Konkurencinėje kovoje netinkami sprendimai gali labai brangiai kainuoti, todėl prieš naudojant spalvas svarbu išsiaiškinti jų poveikį. Tyrimai rodo, kad spalvoti vaizdai greičiau atkreipia dėmesį, sukelia ryškesnes emocines reakcijas, o sukeltos emocijos būna teigiamesnės nei nespalvotų vaizdų. Tendencijos pastebimos ir tiriant konkrečias spalvas. Pavyzdžiui, pastebėta, kad šviesios spalvos (rožinė, mėlyna, raudona) susijusios su teigiamesnėmis emocijomis nei tamsios spalvos (ruda, juoda, pilka). Tiesa, yra duomenų, kad konkrečių spalvų ir emocijų ryšys priklauso nuo amžiaus bei kultūrinių dalykų. Tačiau svarbu tai, jog spalvos gali daryti įtaką nepriklausomai nuo turinio. Be to, spalvų poveikis pastebėtas ir tiesiogiai tiriant reklaminius pranešimus. Spalvos gali padėti atkreipti dėmesį, įsiminti ir net padidinti pardavimus. Vis dėlto lieka iki galo neatsakyta į klausimą, kokios spalvos, vartotojų nuomone, labiausiai tinka įvairioms prekėms.
Colour is inseparable part of human life. It helps to see, to feel, to live. That is why very careful decisions have to be made when selecting colours for various purposes. One of many possible purposes is advertisement. And it is a very common one, because nowadays we can see advertisements almost everywhere. However, mistakes can be costly, so it is better to know what colours can do before appiying them. For example, it is known that colours can adjust perception of space, temperature, weight, etc. They can also affect physical conditions: activate, soothe or, on the contrary, to suppress. And it is even said that there are compatible combinations of different colours and people. However such facts are more like folklore. Nevertheless, there are also many scientific researches made about colour. The results show that colours can help to attract and maintain attention, to elicit emotional responses. For instance, it is proven that colour pictures are associated with stronger and more positive emotions than black and white ones. Similarly, brighter colours (pink, blue, red) are also associated with more positive emotions compared to darker colours (brown, black, grey). However, there are disputes about influence of age, culture and content. Data show that in some cases effects of colour are universal and in some cases it changes with age or culture. It is also worth noting that while colour and content of pictures might influence each other, the colour can also affect independently. Even more important fact is that the various effects of colour were noticed in advertisements or products directly. For example, colours improved sales, changed perceptions of taste and helped to guide viewers' attention, So it is clear that colour has a huge impact on people and thus can be a very powerful lever in advertisements. However there are stilt some unclear parts, for example, customers' opinion about most suitable colour for various products.