Turizmo sektoriaus augimo tendencijos
Date Issued |
2019 |
Šio straipsnio tikslas – aptarti pagrindines turizmo tendencijas ir veiksnius, kurie turėjo įtakos jo plėtrai. Turizmo sektorius nuo Antikos laikų perėjo esminius transformacijos laikotarpius ir nuo privilegijuotų grupių kelionių tapo masiniu reiškiniu bei neatsiejama mūsų gyvenimo dalimi. Turizmo raidai įtakos turėjo įvairūs politiniai, ekonominiai, kultūriniai, sociodemografiniai ir kiti veiksniai, taip pat besikeičiančios turistų asmenybės ir jų motyvacija keliauti.
Travelling has been an integral part of people’s life throughout human existence. Every historical period brought new trends of travelling; new destinations were introduced and became popular, as well as new reasons for travelling emerged. However, for a long time, travelling was accessible only to those who were really rich. As late as the end of the 19th century, travelling developed into what we see now, and following WWII it transformed into a mass phenomenon. The second half of the 20th century and the first half of the 21st century was the period of a number of metamorphoses in the tourism industry. Statistical data demonstrate that the number of tourists has been continuously growing and these trends will probably prevail in the future. Over the last few years, the industry sector has undergone noticeable changes. There has been a transition from mass tourism which is typical of “3S” trips (sun, sand and sea) to the form which is called “3E” travels (entertainment, excitement and education). Tourists are no longer happy with passive rest alone. It is no longer sufficient. Tourist increasingly often request for educational and cultural activities and for the leisure which enriches them in terms of knowledge. This need leads to the search for new undiscovered destinations and for authenticity.