Особенности социальной адаптации учащихся общеобразовательных и юношеских школ
Author(s) | |
Malinauskas, Romualdas | Lietuvos sporto universitetas |
Klizas, Šarūnas | Lietuvos sporto universitetas |
Academic Publishing House Researcher |
Date Issued |
2014 |
The paper strives to answer the question what is psychosocial adjustment among students of senior school age of youth and secondary schools. The following hypothesis was tested: psychosocial adjustment among students of youth and secondary schools differed. Students of senior school age (16—18 years old) were separated in randomize way from Kaunas youth and secondary schools. The participants of the study were 359 students of senior school age (183 students of secondary schools and 176 students of youth schools). The measure of psychosocial adjustment included the K. Roger‘s and R. Dymond‘s questionaire adapted by A. Osnicki. The statistical hypotheses were tested by applying the Student t-test. The research hypothesis was confirmed. The psychosocial adjustment (general index) level among students of senior school age of secondary schools was higher (p < 0.05) than among students of youth schools. It was also found that level of another-acceptance, emotional comfort and internality among students of secondary schools was higher (p<0.05) than among students of youth schools.