Savaiminio mokymosi charakteristikos
Šiaulių universitetas | ||
Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas |
Date Issued |
2011 |
Straipsnyje pristatomas aprašomasis tyrimas, kuriuo atskleidžiamos šešios savaiminio mokymosi charakteristikos, orientuotos į veiklas ir procesus, poreikių tenkinimą, sąveikas, balansavimą tarp ugdytinio ir ugdytojo vaidmenų įvairiose aplinkose, išteklių pasitelkimą ir integralią veiklą, inkorporuojančią (ne)sąmoningumo ir (ne)tikslingumo komponentus. Išvadose akcentuojama, jog savaiminis mokymasis yra nesąmoningas, atsitiktinis ir holistiškai susijęs su problemų sprendimu, situacijų valdymu bei tinkamumu kasdieniam gyvenimui.
Even though researchers of the United States of America has been started drawing attention on informal learning since 1974, but investigated studies focus on the fields of psychology and management. However in the education science there is still deficiency of empirical evidence on the uniqueness of informal learning, forms related to learning environments and learners' characteristics. Conceptual differences related to descriptive terminology of informal learning are not revealed because of significant amount of terms in English language (such as self- regulated, self-directed, informal, self-managed learning}. The terms are translated into Lithuanian language as informal learning or every mentioned notion (in brackets) is translated correctly according to dictionary without focusing on conceptual and scientific meaning in education science. Linguistic meanings of informal learning are not revealed in the article, but complexity of the concept, based on characteristics and forms is the focus of the article. The article is not focused on different linguistic perceptions of "informal learning', but aims at highlighting its complexity by concentrating on concrete characteristics and forms. So why is raised the following research question; What environments, resources and processes characterize the informal learning? Aim is to systematize and describe the characteristics of informal learning. Research focus is the informal learning. Descriptive conceptual analysis was applied as a method. [...]