Intelligent decision support sustainable development processes evaluation
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Sustainability should not be excluded from both quality of life and fulfilment of the main needs of nature. Moreover, the priorities of the development lay in environment humanization and it requires more sustainable lifestyle. The main principles of sustainability are introduced in the decision-making processes of society by maintaining the possibilities to have cleaner environment. The activities of large enterprises, institutions, and organizations should be based on versatile responsibility of enterprises and stimulation of efficiency, paying ever more attention to the requirements of sustainable development and to the issues of environment protection: strategic and tactical planning and control, estimation of economic - social balance, application of information technologies and constant check systems, as well as to legal regulation effect. The information technologies and information representation methods play an important role in solving decision-making problems for the development of the consultative systems in environment contamination evaluation processes. The main components of decision support system development in environment evaluation sector are analyzed using information and communication technologies in this article. The models of reviewing the applications and decision-making are designed by using unified modelling language.