Žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo kaitos ypatumai
Date Issued |
2009 |
Remiantis atlikta mokslinių šaltinių analize apibrėžti šių dviejų koncepcijų skiriamieji bruožai: pagrindinis objektas, vyraujantis požiūris į darbuotojus, pagrindinis tikslas, taikomi darbo organizavimo metodai, orientacija laike ir erdvėje, veiklos svarbos suvokimas, veiklos vykdytojai, dalyvavimas organizacijos strategijos formavime, investavimas į žmogiškuosius išteklius.
These definitions reveal different aspects and perceived importance of analyzed object. Human resource management peculiarities analysis revealed, that according this philosophy: human resources are perceived as the whole complex and the most important organizational reserve; the internal orientation is supplemented by evaluation of external conditions and needs; there is obvious strategic orientation and active participation in organization’s strategy forming and implementing; creation of value and competitive sources; human resource management activities distribution among different executors. Generalizing carried out analysis, it is possible to assert, that human resource management is natural evolutional personnel management continuation, that stipulated by changing external environment conditions. The distinctive features of these two theories are revealed by analysing personnel management and human resources management definitions and contents. They are: different main object, predominant point of view at employees, main aim, applied activity organization methods, the orientation in time and space, perception of activity importance, activity executors, participation in forming organization strategy investment in human resources.