Value added intellectual capital coefficient as a measure of company’s value added accumulation: contradictions and discrepancies
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2013 |
The changing environment and economic conditions have made strong impact for all companies all over the world. Companies are becoming more flexible and pay more attention not to tangible, but also into intangible assets. The new century of modern and innovative technologies, the importance of knowledge, experience and information brought a new attitude to the company. The value added generated by the company is not combined only from physical resources. It is strongly affected and influenced by intellectual capital. The concept is really not investigated enough as intellectual capital is intangible, hardly measurable, but it is proved that it plays a vital role on every company’s value added. Value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC™) helps to measure accumulation of value added through intellectual capital, but still many conflicts and arguments are defined as advantages and disadvantages of this methodology.