Conceptual framework for context-based e-government interoperability development
Date Issued |
2013 |
Research limitations/implications – This paper is a theoretical study of the essential e-government interoperability aspect – its context-dependability – that determines not only the adaptability level of various related political, managerial and technological methods, but also the rigour of research in the field. However, the presented conceptual framework for contextbased e-government interoperability development is of the high abstraction level and integrates only the main perspectives, principles and elements of interoperability contextualisation. It should be further supplemented with concrete operationalisational context factors extracted from the empirical research in the domain. Practical implications – The proposed conceptual framework for context-based e-government interoperability development suggests policy makers, public managers and related private sector organisations to assess technical and evolutionary fitness of dynamic organisational capabilities for interoperability before starting any cross-organisational e-government initiative or adopting any leading method for interoperability enforcement taken from different than its deployment context. It should be done through the analysis of related processes, asset position and path-dependency factors of all participating parties. It is also recommended to incorporate these principles of context analysis in the research of e-government interoperability phenomena and its enforcement methods. Originality/Value – This research addresses a complex issue of e-government interoperability contextualization and offers a conceptual framework which not only embraces the main context factors identified in the previous e-government research, but also integrates the contextualization approach from the theory of dynamic organizational capabilities that are the core of contemporary e-government interoperability concept.
Šis vertinimas turėtų apimti visų suinteresuotųjų grupių procesų, resursų bei formavimosi trajektorijų analizę, įtraukiant ir tokias e. valdžios sričiai svarbias perspektyvas kaip institucinė sandara, valstybės išsivystymo lygis bei įvairūs organizaciniai faktoriai. Į šiuos e. valdžios sąveikumo konteksto analizės principus derėtų atsižvelgti ir atliekant e. valdžios sąveikumo reiškinio bei jį įgalinančių metodų mokslinius tyrimus.