Vaiko ir tėvų santykių sąsajos su pozityvios jaunimo raidos komponentais
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Rezultatai parodė, kad tyrime, atliktame Lietuvoje, apklausiant bendruomeninės imties moksleivius atsiskleidžia panašios tendencijos kaip ir JAV, Europos ir kituose regionuose, tai yra tėvų monitoringas, pasitikėjimas, emocinė šiluma, susvetimėjimo nebuvimas ir komunikacija su tėvais teigiamai susiję su visais penkiais pozityvios jaunimo raidos komponentais, o psichologinė kontrolė ir atstūmimas neigiamai susijęs su pozityvios jaunimo raidos komponentais.
The data used is from an ongoing longitudinal Positive Youth Development study, which is funded by the European Social Fund under the Global Grant measure. Student participants were drawn from five high schools in the administrative region of Utena, Lithuania (9-12 grades). 1787 students participated in the first assessment (47.4% were boys and 52.6% were girls, aged 14-22 years (M=16.62, SD=1.24)), which took place in spring, 2013. For this current study, only the participants who completely filled the PYD and children-parents relationship questionnaires (N=1727) were included. The results in the Lithuanian sample revealed similar tendencies as in the United States, European and some other countires. The results showed that parental monitoring, trust, emotional warmth, absence of alienation and communication with parents are strongly positively related with all five positive youth development components (the Five C’s), whereas psychological control and rejection are negatively related with the Five C’s.