Intereso problema civilinio proceso teisėje
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2007 |
Materialiojo teisinio intereso suvokimas plačiąja ir siaurąja prasmėmis leidžia geriau suvokti ir apibrėžti materialiojo teisinio intereso sąvoką bei padaryti atitinkamas išvadas. Procesinis teisinis interesas – tai teisės normomis pagrįstas objektyviai egzistuojantis socialinis poreikis civiliniam procesui. Procesinis teisinis interesas yra skirstomas į individualųjį procesinį teisinį interesą ir viešąjį procesinį teisinį interesą. Tiriamas ryšys tarp materialiojo teisinio intereso ir procesinio teisinio intereso.
In their narrow sense, substantive legal interests mean social needs protected by laws and not granting their holders any subjective substantive rights: they only allow their holders to apply for judicial or other legal defence. Perception of a substantive legal interest in its broad and narrow sense allows better understanding and defining the concept of substantive legal interest and drawing corresponding conclusions. A procedural legal interest is an objectively existing, based on legal norms social need for the civil procedure. This interest is divided into an individual procedural legal interest and a public procedural legal interest. A procedural legal interest and a substantive legal interest, which is an object of judicial defence, are closely related. Their unbroken connection manifests in the fact that a procedural legal interest can exist only when there is a possibility of a substantive legal interest as an object of judicial defence. If there are no preconditions for judicial defence, such judicial proceedings have no object. Such procedure is objectless and impossible. Presence of a substantive legal interest proves the existence of a procedural legal interest.