Simulation games applications towards the exploration of attitudes related to the felicitary policies
Labutis, Gintaras | Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija |
Date Issued |
2014 |
The purpose of this article is to analyze and to present the findings on the attitudes towards the felicitary policy in Lithuania obtained through the simulation game mehods. The simulation game was conducted in January – February, 2014 in Lithuania. Sixty five participants attended the simulation, becoming an active part of the research. The outcomes of the simulation game “Towards the happier Lithuania 2020” confirmed that the simulation games can be successfully used as the tools for a proper analysis of social issues. The results also revealed that a happier future concept in Lithuanian society was primarily concerned with economic growth, employment and positive social changes. The participants of the simulation game identified and considered the society’s mental and physical health as a basis of their personal development rather than the political solution. The environment and its impact on the levels of public happiness were evaluated with some controversy. In addition, the simulation game participants did not associate political matters and freedom rights with the levels of public happiness.
Simuliacinio žaidimo „Laimingesnė Lietuva 2020“ rezultatai patvirtino, kad simuliaciniai žaidimai gali būti sėkmingai panaudoti socialinėms problemoms tirti. Jo rezultatai taip pat atskleidė, kad laimingesnės ateities Lietuvos visuomenės samprata visų pirma siejama su ekonomikos augimu, pozityviais darbo ir socialiniais pokyčiais. Visuomenės psichinė ir fizinė sveikata žaidimo dalyvių labiau sieta su asmeniniu tobulėjimu, o ne su politiniais sprendimais. Aplinkos, jos apsaugos įtaką visuomenės laimei žaidimų dalyviai įvertino prieštaringai, o politinių santykių ir laisvių nesiejo su visuomenės laimės lygiu.