Conception of roman marriage
Date Issued |
2009 |
On 3 June 2008 the National Family Policy Concept was adopted by Seimas that states the goals and principles of the state family policy and several times refers to historical and scientific experience. The present article aims to reveal the historical and legal experience of the ancient Rome that laid foundations of contemporary private law and to compare the goals of the National Family Policy Concept and the state policy of the ancient Rome regarding family issues. The concept of family framed by the National Family Policy Concept is based on matrimony. This is why the authors of the article focus on Roman matrimony. Having discussed the ancient Roman concept of marriage and Roman state policy regarding issues of matrimony and family and comparing it with the aims of the National Family Policy concept it might be stated that policy of encouraging family and promoting family relations based on matrimony that is provided by the Lithuanian state is not a new invention but may also refer to legal resolutions of the ancient Rome.
Taip pat siekiama pagrįsti nuostatą, kad laikantis bendraturčių interesų pusiausvyros taisyklės atidalijant prioritetas turi būti teikiamas bendraturčio dalies atskyrimui natūra, o kompensacija pinigais vertintina tik kaip išimtinis dalies iš bendrosios dalinės nuosavybės atskyrimo būdas. Vienam iš bendraturčių nesutinkant su tokiu atidalijimo būdu, kompensacijos priteisimas gali reikšti priverstinį išpirkimą, todėl jis gali būti taikomas tik tada, kai bendraturtis, siekiantis savo dalies atskyrimo, išnaudoja visas galimybes perleisti savo dalį tretiesiems asmenims.