Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės tarnybos samprata ir modelis 1918–1940 metais
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Atsižvelgiant į valstybės tarnautojų priėmimo sąlygas, karjeros galimybes, materialinį aprūpinimą ir socialines garantijas šiuolaikinėje teisėje skiriami du valstybės tarnybos modeliai: karjeros ir postų. Remiantis teisės aktais, atliktais tyrimais ir atitinkama literatūra, straipsnyje siekiama apibrėžti Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos modelį, susiformavusį 1918-1940 m. Straipsnyje taip pat nagrinėjamos valstybės tarnybos ir valstybės tarnautojo sampratos carinėje Rusijoje taikyto karjeros valstybės tarnybos modelio įtaka modernios Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės tarnybos formavimuisi.
The establishment of the modern civil service of Lithuania could be associated with the year 1918 when the Republic of Lithuania regained independence and started to organise the civil service from the very beginning. It was a difficult task for Lithuania because of a long-lasting occupation of the Russian Empire as cultural, political and legal heritage has an influence on the development of civil service model. The article discusses definition and model of the civil service of the Republic of Lithuania in 1918-1940. After analysing laws an author concluded that the civil service of the interwar Lithuania had a wide definition: it was understood as an activity of all civil servants performing delegated functions. The definition of civil servant was applied to all persons who were working (serving) in the state institutions and organisations and receiving a salary from the state budget. There was no difference between those who had an authority of the government, those who did technical and economic works or worked by profession (medical doctors, teachers). But civil service was separated from municipal civil service and officially municipal civil servants were not equated with civil servants even though legal regulation of both services was quite similar. [...]