Mokytojų savidiferenciacijos sąsajos su savęs vertinimu ir psichikos sveikatos indikatoriais
Edukologija |
Date Issued |
2012 |
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama mokytojų savidiferenciacijos, savęs vertinimo ir psichikos sveikatos indikatorių – vidinės darnos, pasitenkinimo gyvenimu ir subjektyvaus laimingumo jausmo – sąsajos. Savidiferenciacija yra vertinama kaip asmenybinis veiksnys, nulemiantis efektyvų tarpasmeninį bendravimą, tad šiame straipsnyje akcentuojama socialinių sąveikų svarba mokytojų psichikos sveikatai palaikyti. Tyrime dalyvavo 158 mokytojai. Gauti rezultatai atskleidė, kad savidiferenciacija susijusi su savęs vertinimu bei psichikos sveikatos indikatoriais.
Education of creative and moral citizen of Lithuania is not an easy task. This task most often goes to teachers because of an intensive lifestyle, a lack of parents time for their children education. Teachers in their work experience different kinds of psychosocial stressors but factors which could help teachers to overcome stress and maintain mental health are unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher’s mental health sustaining factors: interconnection between differentiation of self, self-esteem, sense of coherence, subjective happiness and satisfaction with life. In total there were 158 participants involved in this study, of which there were 19 mans and 139 women. The mean of participants age was 44.35 years, standart deviation – 11.035 years. Participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire, consisting of sociodemographic questions, Antonovsky (1987) Orientation to Life Questionnaire Short Version (13 item), Rosenberg’s (1965) Self-Esteem scale (RSE), Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) by Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky (1999) (Cronbach α = 0.728), The Satisfaction with Life Scale by Ed Diener (1985) (Cronbach α = 0.779) and Skowron, Friedlander (1998) Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI). The results of this study had shown that differentiation of self and self-esteem interface with teacher’s mental health indicators: sense of coherence, subjective happiness and satisfaction with life positively. this research also was found that in participants group of higher level of differentiation of self self-esteem and mental health indicators was higher compared with lower level of differentiation of self group.