Origin of Bankruptcy Procedure in Roman Law
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2009 |
Atlikus atskirų romėnų teisės institutų analizę autoriai daro išvadą, jog būtent romėnų teisėje susiformavo esminiai bankroto proceso principai: asmeninės atsakomybės pakeitimas turtine; viešųjų varžytinių, kaip skolininko turto realizavimo formos, atsiradimas; pereita nuo skolininko turto, kaip visumos, pardavimo prie turto realizavimo dalimis; atsirado subjektas, kuris, davęs priesaiką nesiekti savanaudiškų tikslų, vykdydavo skolininko turto varžytines; nustatytas 30 dienų terminas, per kurį skolininkas turėjo padengti skolas; susiformavo galimų kreditorių informavimo apie pradėtas skolų grąžinimo procedūras ir raginimo prisijungti prie minėto proceso institutas; įsigaliojo draudimas nukreipti išieškojimą į skolininko namų apyvokos daiktus; atsirado taikos sutarties instituto tarp skolininko ir jo kreditorių užuomazgos; įtvirtintas kreditorių teisių apsaugos būdas -- actio Pauliana. Išvardytos nuostatos vienokia ar kitokia apimtimi buvo perkeltos į daugelio užsienio valstybių bei Lietuvos bankroto teisinius santykius reguliuojančius teisės aktus.
In order to clarify the objectives of bankruptcy, to reveal the true essence of bankruptcy procedure and the origin of legal terms, it is necessary to ascertain the nature of this institute of law, as well as the reasons for its creation and development. This article provides historic analysis of the development of the institute of bankruptcy procedure. For this purpose, a historic comparative research is undertaken in the article, in order to find certain parallels of bankruptcy procedure under Roman law and the modern bankruptcy procedure. Roman law has been chosen as the most phenomenal ancient law for the purposes of undertaking a historic analysis of the development of bankruptcy procedure. In the authors’ opinion, it it the best example that reveals the origin of bankruptcy procedure, and the reasons for its formation. Analysis of certain private law institutes of Roman law enables the authors to conclude that the main features (principles) of the bankruptcy procedure formed precisely under Roman law: replacement of personal liability by pecuniary; public auction as a form of realization of debtor’s property; transition from selling of debtor’s property as a whole to disposal of property in divided property units; creation of subject, who administers auctions of debtor’s property under oath not to act in selfish purposes; setting of a term of 30 days, during which a debtor has to cover the debts (claims’ dispute resolution); establishment of the institute of informing creditors about initiated procedures of debt retrieval and encouragement to join these procedures; establishment of the ban to recover debts from household items; laying of the foundations of the institute of peace agreement between the debtor and his creditors; establishment of actio Pauliana - a remedy for the protection of creditors rights.