Dorovinių galių fenomenologinė įžvalga: vertybinis ugdymo aspektas
Author(s) | |
Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas |
Date Issued |
2005 |
In this article the phenomenological insight into conscience, guilt and repentance are analyzed along with the possibilities of practical application in education the phenomenological methods elaborated by Husserl, Heidegger, Scheler, and Wojtyła. The results of phenomenological inquiry enable to estimate the dynamism of morality in the scale of values; the internal causes and motives of personal behavior. Phenomenology underlines that conscience assist person in understanding the meaning of his / her life and reach personal ends. The conscience urges person to be faithful to himself / herself and causes the experience of guilt. But, according to Heidegger, the idea of guilt is not arbitrary contrived and applied to man. In quotidian life people, as rule, understand guilt as failure to do something which has to be done, or unintended deprivation of other person of what is his / her due. According to Heidegger, such understanding of “to be guilty” leads to the existentialist idea of guilt. Existential guilt, according to Heidegger is the ontological foundation of the possibility of moral crimes. According to Scheler, the repentance can free us of the sense of guilt. The genuine repentance acts like self-healing of human soul. It is one of several ways to restore the lost spiritual powers. Scheler speaks not only about personal but also about collective repentance which opens possibility for the spiritual renovation of whole nation. Thus in the interpretation of Heidegger and Scheler the existential guilt is the condition of moral activity. Nevertheless the moral activity depends on accepted decisions. The criteria of these decisions are implanted during the process of education. Wojtyła underlines the importance of ethics, which validate moral norms, for education.