Vienašaliai sandoriai paveldėjimo teisėje
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2008 |
Straipsnyje analizuojamas palikimo atsiradimo metu asmens įgytų subjektinių paveldėjimo teisių įgyvendinimas remiantis vienašaliais sandoriais. Palikimo priėmimas ir palikimo atsisakymas analizuojamas atsižvelgiant į sandorių sudarymo formą ir sukeliamas teisines pasekmes, aptariami terminai, per kuriuos įpėdinis turi atlikti šiuos veiksmus. Straipsnyje pasisakoma dėl palikimo atsisakymo ir jo nepriėmimo sąvokų sampratos bei santykio, išreiškiama nuomonė dėl galimybės palikimo atsisakiusiam įpėdiniui atšaukti savo valios išreiškimą.
The article examines the question of implementation of the right to inherit or, in other words, the excercise of the suc-cessoral option. With the opening of succession, every successor has the right to accept or to renounce the succession. This option can be exercised by way of concluding unilateral legal transactions, such as acceptance of succession and renunciation of succession. These two legal transactions are analysed in regard to the form of expression of will and the legal consequences they produce. As long as acceptance of succession may be express or tacit (deduced from some factual circumstances clearly attesting the will of an heir to inherit), renunciation of succession has to be express or result from the law which attaches legal consequences to the non-acceptance of succession, i.e. to silence on the part of an heir. The article also deals with the question relating to the time limits for excercing the successoral option. Under Lithuanian law, a successor has three months from the opening of the succession to deliberate and exercise his option. Author comes to a conclusion that this period could not be regarded as an extinctive time limit which extinguishes the subjective right of an heir to inherit. [...]