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The issue of forecasting the limits of the national debt
Type of publication
Straipsnis kitoje duomenų bazėje / Article in other database (S4)
Author(s) | |
Kauno technologijos universitetas |
Title [en]
The issue of forecasting the limits of the national debt
Other Title [lt]
Valstybės skolinimosi ribų prognozavimo problema
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2004 |
p. 215-225
Is part of
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai = Management of organizations: systematic research. Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2004, Nr. 29.
Field of Science
Keywords (en)
Abstract (en)
The major focus of this paper is on a number of factors that determine the acceptability of the national debt as well as its optimal and effective management. Borrowing is one of the easiest methods for governments to cover the budget deficit, though the government borrowing made in attempt to support the development of economy cannot be viewed as an issue separate from the state's fiscal and monetary policy. The author analyzes the interaction between the national debt and the budget deficit. Within the framework of the mathematical model covered in detail, the author proposes the evaluation of the debt limits of the Lithuanian government by drawing on principle economic aviarables. [...].
Type of document
type::text::journal::journal article::research article
ISSN (of the container)
Coverage Spatial
Lietuva / Lithuania (LT)
Anglų / English (en)