Sociosofija ir praktoteorija
Date Issued |
2016 |
Sociosofija straipsnyje vadinu tyrimus, reflektuojančius ontologines ir epistemologines socialinių mokslų teorijų prielaidas. Praktoteorija vadinu akademinę nuostatą iššūkius dabarties mokslo filosofijai priimti susitelkus ne į mokslo žinių, bet mokslo veikų turinį. Šia prasme tiek mokslo filosofija, tiek sociosofija kaip mokslo filosofijos dalis gali vadovautis arba nesivadovauti praktoteorija, kadangi ji yra ne mokslo filosofijos pamatas ar bendroji direktyva, o pasirinktinis tyrimo būdas. Pasiremdamas Alexanderio Wendto, Theodoro Schatzki, Algimanto Valantiejaus, Andy Pickeringo, Bruno Latouro, Zygmunto Baumano, Josepho Rouse’o sociosofiniais tekstais straipsnyje analizuoju, kokios yra praktoteorinės sociosofijos – antidisciplininio naujadaro – ypatybės ir perspektyvos.
The article discusses sociosophy as a research that reflects ontological and epistemological assumptions of social science theories. Jointly it introduces practo-theory as an academic attitude, which deals with the challenges of modern philosophy of science by focusing not on scientific knowledge but rather on the content of scientific activity. In this sense, both the philosophy of science and sociosophy as its counterpart can operate or refuse to operate within the practo-theory, since it is not a foundation or primary directive for the philosophy of science, but a voluntary type of research. By referring to particular texts of Alexander Wendt, Theodor Schatzki, Algimantas Valantiejus, Andy Pickering, Bruno Latour, Zygmunt Bauman, and Joseph Rouse I examine what is characteristic to the new antidisciplinary project – practo-theoretical sociosophy, and conclude that social disciplines that reflectively incorporate ontological assumptions into their own research practices will probably lose certain clarity and unambiguousness, but will likely increase methodological transparency and situative efficacy.