Analysis of e-learning environment for geography: opportunities for personalized active learning
Author(s) | |
Karolcik, Stefan | Comenius University in Bratislava |
Slotkienė, Asta | Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas |
Cipkova, Elena | Comenius University in Bratislava |
Latvijas Universitate |
Date Issued |
2019 |
The rapid changes in technologies for representing learning content impact the modern concept of e-learning. They enable the implementation of personalized learning, development of a friendly, flexible and simulation-based learning environment. In this paper, the e-learning environment for Geography was analysed. In order to implement personalized active learning in Geography teaching and learning, the requirements of an adaptive tool for Geography teaching and learning are discussed and the theoretical framework for personalized e-learning environment is proposed. Based on previous experimental pedagogical research (carried out in Slovakia between 2008–2013 within the national project “Modernisation of the Educational Process in Elementary and Secondary Schools”), a new geospatial technological approach and theoretical framework for active learning process is discussed, and the prototype of a new Mapker for Geography teaching and learning is presented.