Artimųjų, globojančių šizofrenija sergančius asmenis, patirtis tenkinant pagalbos poreikį
Date Issued |
2019 |
Pripažįstama, kad sergančiųjų šizofrenija globa ir atsakomybė turėtų būti padalinta tarp artimųjų, sveikatos priežiūros ir socialinių tarnybų bei visuomenės. Straipsnio tikslas - atskleisti artimųjų, globojančių šizofrenija sergančius asmenis, patirtį tenkinant pagalbos poreikį artimoje jiems aplinkoje ir institucijose. Tyrimo klausimai: Ką asmenų su šizofrenija artimiesiems reiškia artimos jiems aplinkos žmonių ir institucinė tarnybų pagalba? Kas skatina ir kas riboja artimuosius kreipiantis pagalbos? Pasirinktas kokybinis interpretacinis tyrimas. Tyrimo imtis: 7 tyrimo dalyvės - moterys, asmenų su šizofrenija globėjos. Atliktas pusiau struktūruotus interviu ir kokybinė turinio analizė, ieškant atsakymų į tyrimo klausimus. Tyrimo duomenų analizė atskleidė, kad artimųjų patirtis, susijusi su pagalbos teikėjais yra įvairialypė, dinamiška, priklausoma nuo individualių globėjų nuostatų, sergančiojo šizofrenija globos raidos aplinkybių ar pokyčių. Pagalbos iš bendruomeninių dienos centrų priėmimas artimiesiems reiškia naudos ir vertingos pagalbos pajautimą. Pastebėtas dienos centų paslaugų mieste prieinamumas ir pasitenkinimas teikiamomis paslaugomis, tačiau stacionarių paslaugų, profesionalios konsultacijos artimiesiems prieinamumas kritinėmis sergančiojo globos situacijose yra apsunkintas. Artimieji patiria iššūkius, susijusius su socialinių ir sveikatos priežiūros tarnybų biurokratija, darbuotojų nesupratingumu, atmestiną požiūrį į juos, bendradarbiavimo ir informacijos stoką. Tai slopina artimųjų motyvaciją kreiptis pagalbos ir menkina pagalbos alternatyvų paiešką. Pagalba artimoje šeimai aplinkoje tyrimo dalyvėms reiškia saugumą, mažesnę priklausomybę nuo sergančiojo globos, galėjimą pailsėti, pasirūpinti savo poreikiais ar pomėgiais. Vis tik, kreipimasis pagalbos į giminaičius, draugus tyrimo dalyvėms reiškia vidines pastangas „perlipti per save“, įveikti savo baimes ir drovumą išsakyti kitiems savo poreikius.
Social Work User Username Password Remember me Journal Contents Search Search Scope Browse By Issue By Author By Title Other MRU Journals Font Size Make font size smaller Make font size default Make font size larger About The Authors Alina Petrauskienė Vilma Kudarauskienė Language Select Language Keyword Cloud adolescence assistance child empathy family integration interaction legal education loss reflection school secondary school social competence social exclusion social policy social security social services social support social work socialization students Popular Articles »Case management in social work 6880 views since: »The Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Students Career Decision Self-Efficacy 6425 views since: 2014-05-06 »Emotional intelligence of adolescents: analysis of emotional and behavioral problems, stressful life events and demographic characteristics 4623 views since: »Relationship Between Positive Psychological Capital and Elements of Subjective Well- Being: Systematic Review 3727 views since: 2014-11-24 »Factors influencing a decrease in students’ learning motivation 3330 views since: »Developing social work students’ self-reflection skills in theoretical courses 2586 views since: »Changing roles of elders in the family 2579 views since: »Understanding the use of self in social work practice 2540 views since: »Child-Parent Relationships and Positive Youth Development Components 2297 views since: 2014-05-06 »Motivation factors in the professional activity of social workers 1816 views since: crossref crosscheck Home About Register Current Archives Editorial Board Home > Vol 17, No 1 (2019) > Petrauskienė EXPERENCE OF RELATIVES IN THE GUARDIANSHIP OF PERSONS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA MEETING THE NEED FOR ASSISTANCE Alina Petrauskienė, Vilma Kudarauskienė Abstract The research presented in this article aims to highlight the experience of relatives in the guardianship of persons with Schizophrenia in meeting the need for assistance. It is recognized that the guardianship and responsibility of persons with Schizophrenia should be shared between relatives, health care and social services and the society. So, the ongoing deinstitutionalization in Lithuania should provide more available assistance for community – based opportunities for people with Schizophrenia and their relatives, reducing the burden of guardianship. Object of the research: experience of relatives (feelings, evaluation, attitudes and expectations). Research questions: What does it mean for relatives of persons with Schizophrenia to use the assistance of others in a close family environment and institutional setting? What encourages and restricts relatives when seeking assistance? A qualitative interpretation research was chosen. The research included 7 participants – women providing guardianship for persons with Schizophrenia. Semi – structured interviews were carried out. Qualitative content analysis was performed by analyzing the interview text for answers to research questions. The given texts were red attentively, interpreted, insights and findings of others scientists closely related to research topic were provided. The following conclusions have been formulated: the experience of the relatives involved in the research regarding formal and informal assistance providers is multifaceted, dynamic, depends on the individual guardian’s attitudes, circumstances and changes in the development of the care of the sick person. Accepting assistance from community – based day centers for relatives means getting the benefits and valuable help: improved guardian well – being, better quality of life and more opportunities for socialization. Guardians apply for institutional (residential) help in critical Schizophrenia guardianship situations: the deterioration of a person’s mental health, relapse of the disease, feeling tired exhaustion, recognition of respite from permanent long – term guardianship. The availability service of community day centers in Lithuania has been noticed, but the availability of residential (nursing / guardianship) service and professional consulting remains complicated. The relatives face challenges related to the bureaucracy of social and health care services providers, lack of understanding and refusal of the staff, lack of cooperation and information. This reduces relatives’ motivation to seek assistance and undermines the search for alternatives to help. Familiarizing oneself with the availability of assistance in a near – family environment strengthens the daily burden of guardianship. Assistance of close relatives, friends for the guardians means less dependence on the guardianship of the person with Schizophrenia, the ability to rest, engage in the desired activity and take care of their needs or hobbies. Then there is peace, a sense of security and a joy of life. However, referral to relatives, friends means the inner efforts of the guardians to “climb over themselves”, overcome their fears and shyness to express their needs to others.