Nepamokinė veikla kaip sutrikusio regėjimo paauglio socialinio įgūdžių ugdymo veiksnys
Vilniaus universiteto leidykla |
Iškeliama regėjimo neįgalumą turinčių paauglių socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo problema, kaip svarbi asmens socialinės integracijosį visuomenę sąlyga. Straipsnyje svarbiausias dëmesys skiriamas nepamokinei veiklai, kaip svarbiam pedagoginiam veiksniui, determinuojančiam socialinių įgūdžių raidą. To siekiant atskleidžiamas veiklos tikslingumo, asmeninio ir socialinio reikšmingo savarankiškumo ir santykių humaniškumo ryšys su socialiniais įgūdžiais (intrapersonaliniais, interpersonaliniais bei veiklos ir bendradarbiavimo). Nemažai vietos straipsnyje skiriama sutrikusio regėjimo paauglių nepamokinės veiklos ypatumams atskleisti.
The article raises the problem of developing social skills of teenagers with vision disability as an essential condition for social integration. Major attention is given to out-of-class activities as an important educational factor determining the dissemination of social skills. To this end the following essential criteria of activity efficiency assessment were distinguished: expedience of activity, significance of activity, level and degree of activity and humanness of relationship during the activity. The article analyzes the connection of activity expedience, personal and social significance and humanness of relationship with social skills. Statistical analysis has revealed significant connection between the expedience of teenager activities, significance of activity, level and degree of activity, humanness of relationship during the activity and social skills. This proves that specific goals matching the individual characteristics of teenagers, personal and social meaningfulness for the teenager and level and degree of teenager activity along with the humanness of relationship during the activity is an important prerequisite for the development of social skills. The research was aimed at analyzing whether activities arranged in special schools for students with vision disability are expedient, personally and socially meaningful and intensive and the relationship of teachers and students is humane.